History, Philosophy, and Dance Blog

by Michelle Buckley

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Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies

An Augmented Reality Performative Walking Tour

Posted by Michelle Buckley | 11 Apr 2021

With over a decade working as both a professional dancer and tour guide, the pandemic’s stoppage of live performances and in-person guided tours forced me to take a broader look at my experience and consider what an augmented reality performative walking tour might look like. More specifically, what would be its characteristic, desirable features?

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Are you doing Philosophy when dancing?

Posted by Michelle Buckley | 10 Jan 2021

Throughout my professional career I have had the opportunity to work with choreographers who have required inhibitions and even known dance vocabulary to be left outside the studio in order to fully explore new ways of moving. Over a thirteen-year period I have continually returned to work with choreographer, Julia Gleich, and in this time, a particular comment rings out above all others, in the context of both rehearsal as well as class — don’t anticipate the movement. These words, and essentially this challenge when rehearsing or repeating a step for the millionth time, potentially answer the question — are you doing philosophy when dancing?

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